The perfect outfit to welcome the new year.

The perfect outfit to welcome the new year.

A sparkling party or a relaxing evening at home? However you decide to welcome the new year, just do it in the right style.

By Nicola Santini - bon ton and etiquette expert, author of NON LO FACCIO PIU’

New Year's Eve is always a divisive topic. There are those who want to have fun at all costs and those who think it is better to celebrate sweet idleness, almost in protest.
The fact is that it is a special day, a day of balance sheets or good resolutions during which we cannot be too strict with ourselves. And even taking a peek in our closet, it's right to take the opportunity to round off the passing year and start the new one in the best possible way.
This year I wanted to think about those who will celebrate and those who will stay at home, because I want to think that those who choose the home life don't abandon themselves to the brutalization of abandoned tracksuits and makeshift slippers.
Let's start with party girls of all ages: isn't all that glitters gold? It’s ok. Let it shine. If the total look remained in the 80s and in concert stages, golden elements such as scarves, clutches, costume jewelry or sculpture jewels, eyeglass frames but also hats or gloves, socks and belts are the must-have accessories of the moment. Where do they go? On more rigorous black like Wednesday Addams, for example. But also on purples, on cardinal reds, on broken absolute whites, perhaps with a beige for those celebrating at high altitudes, with a blue for those who want the saltiness in the air even on December 31st. And for those who choose the city from iron gray to anthracite, without forgetting that black and white with a touch of gold never disappoint.




On comfortable heels, the New Year's party lasts all night and we know how difficult it is to remain calm while standing straight on 12 cm of heel. Perfect instead for those who have dinner and allow themselves two laps on the dance floor but remain seated most of the time. For all the others, furlane shoes in velvet, moccasins à la garçonne and spool heels, which always satisfy.


Slits and necklines for those who love and can if not on New Year's Eve, when?
And we come to those who choose to stay at home instead, imagining a pajama party with all the approvals: nightgown in earthy colors with contrasting dressing gown in satin or silk, velvet slippers to make the step soft and velvety, or golden petticoat with embroidery and matching cardigan, they are sexy, they are current, they are useful to have in your wardrobe and they are an opportunity to love yourself and think about your own appeal even when you don't go out. I always remember that elegance and self-care mainly start when no one is looking at us or when, never take it for granted, only those we have chosen to always have with us see us.

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